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Official Sponsors

Lorenzo is grateful for the sponsorship provided by the following:
Lorenzo e'immensamente grato del supporto dato dai seguenti sponsor:


KMi logoKMi, The Open University

InmarsatInmarsat global satellite communications

Club Alpino Italiano logoClub Alpino Italiano (the Italian Alpine Club)

Conad logoItalian supermarkets

Olio Carli logoOlive oil company

Lorenzo's spiritual mentors

Pizzeria Acqua e FarinaPizzeria Acqua e Farina, Imperia

Equipment sponsors:

TivaTeva who specialize in footwear for use in tropical climates

CareplusTropicare anti-malaria products and mosquito nets

Personal sponsors:

Gearshack logoCliff (Lorenzo's fellow climber) would like to offer his thanks, for help and encouragement from Steve and Harriet at the Gearshack and Hugo from 'Gregory' Rucksacks.

Home | Audio Blog | Communications | Equipment | Sponsors | 7 Summits

These pages are the personal responsibility of Lorenzo Gariano and the members of KMi who are supporting him. The views expressed here do not necessarily represent the views of the Open University. The University takes no responsibility for any material on these pages.